Elevate Your Testing: SpiraTeam's Integration with LambdaTest

10-May-2024 by Inflectra Product News

Quality software is paramount in today's user-driven world. Customers have zero tolerance for bugs and glitches, and a single software defect can tarnish a brand's reputation. To empower you to deliver exceptional software quality, we've partnered with LambdaTest to seamlessly integrate SpiraTeam, our robust Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) platform, with LambdaTest's robust testing capabilities. This integration allows you to seamlessly log issues discovered during LambdaTest sessions directly into SpiraTeam, optimizing your bug tracking and resolution processes.

Want a preview the integration in action? Continue reading to see a short video.


A Powerful Partnership

Our collaboration with LambdaTest underscores our commitment to providing you with the best software testing and management solutions. This integration streamlines your workflow, empowering you to deliver the exceptional software experiences your users expect. LambdaTest's cross-browser testing capabilities dovetail seamlessly with SpiraTeam's project management expertise, enabling development and testing teams to work in unison for enhanced software quality. This partnership eliminates the friction of multiple systems and directly facilitates bug logging. The result? Higher-quality products delivered faster.



Here's a breakdown of the key advantages highlighted in the video:

  • Streamlined Bug Logging: No more switching between platforms! Track issues directly from LambdaTest into your SpiraTeam project, eliminating duplicated effort.
  • Enhanced Team Alignment: Centralized bug tracking offers greater visibility across your development and testing teams.
  • Software Quality Boost: A seamless testing workflow promotes faster bug identification and resolution, directly contributing to delivering high-quality software.


Level Up Your Software Testing with Inflectra and LambdaTest

We are committed at Inflectra to providing solutions that make software development simpler, faster, and more focused on quality. The LambdaTest-SpiraTeam integration is another step in that direction. Questions? Contact us at sales@inflectra.com.